Clearwater Program Evaluation
Talbot Bielefeldt, MS
Curiosity. Learning. Understanding.
Grant Preparation Support
My usual contribution to grant development is to create a compelling evaluation plan and carry out the evaluation under contract to the grantee. However, I can also develop materials and information for projects that do not expect to retain Clearwater as an external evaluator. These services may include writing, editing, proofreading, or technical critique of specific project components such as evaluation plans or participant selection.
If you are interested in this service, please contact me with a description of the specific need you see in preparing your proposal, along with a link to the proposal solicitation.

Clearwater Program Evaluation, 3357 Onyx Place, Eugene, OR 97405. Phone: 541.556.2268. Email: talbot@clearwatereval.com
Copyright (c) 2021 Talbot Bielefeldt